Voor mijn literatuuronderzoek heb ik mijn primaire bronnen onder de loep genomen. Lees onderstaand de belangrijkste bevindingen en samenvattingen.
Gielen, P., & Mouffe, C. (2013). Institutional Attitudes – Instituting Art in a Flat World (1ste editie). Valiz.
Smale, M. A. (2016). Digital Technology as Affordance and Barrier in Higher Education (1st ed. 2017 ed.) [E-book]. Palgrave Macmillan.
Schunk, D. H., & Zimmerman, B. J. (2012). Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning [E-book]. Taylor & Francis.
Chou, Y. (2019). Actionable Gamification (1ste editie). Van Haren Publishing.
Chalmers, D. J. (2022). Reality+. Ww Norton & Co.
Duval, E., Sharples, M., & Sutherland, R. (2017). Technology Enhanced Learning [E-book]. Springer Publishing.
Natriello, G. (2021). Digital-Age Innovation in Higher Education [E-book]. Taylor & Francis.
Innovations in Learning and Technology for the Workplace and Higher Education. (2021). Springer Publishing.